Science Cafe
Science Cafe Den Haag is a series of open research events where three scientists share their work for a public audience. The evenings take place in an open cafe atmosphere. A central theme connects the different talks of that evening. The theme of Science Cafe The Hague October 2018 was the Circular Economy.
Do you need to live like a plant to be sustainable?
In her talk ’Do you need to live like a plant to be sustainable?’ Marjanne shared her insights on transitioning towards a more circular food system from a consumer perspective, and what role design can play to facilitate this shift. A transition requires a change in three related areas: what we eat, how we produce it, and how we deal with surplus and waste management. For each topic Marjanne showed innovative examples from the design field that boost transformation and choices that consumers can make. Without making compromises on price, convenience or taste. If you have a better offer, the consumer will make the better choice.
Evening led by Eveline van Rijswijk
Other speakers of that evening
– Ingrid de Pauw (TU Delft) on Design for Circularity &
– Arnold Tukker (Leiden University)